Member Benefits

Join CCDLA and get access to an array of resources from our public membership directory to our private member-only knowledge base.

The Value of Your CCDLA Membership

CCDLA Provides members with opportunities to sharpen their professional skills, connect to other defense lawyers, stay aware of legal issues facing Connecticut and get access to an entire knowledge base of information.

Explore the benefits to enhance your career, expand your network and make the most of your membership.

CCDLA Knowledge Base

Our complete online knowledge base is easily searchable and our own private Wikipedia-style portal. We continue to add to this resource and encourage our members to submit briefs, jury instructions, motions, and other helpful materials to share with the entire membership.

Seminars & CLEs

We are dedicated to providing seminars, CLEs, and instructional events that provide actionable information for our members. We know your time is valuable and we make sure each event makes the best use of your time.

Members Directory

Our publicly searchable member directory allows you to create your own profile including a biography, profile image, and contact information. Add another place for potential clients to find you online and help grow your firm.

Interested in becoming a member?

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